Friday, March 19, 2021


How often do you hear about the necessity and benefits of networking? It's described as the best way to get ahead at work and build social connections. The most common theme is "how networking benefits me." Networking is packaged as self-focused, self-promotion. 

But what if networking's greatest benefits were something else entirely? 

Networking is not "What can I take from you?" or "What can you give me?" Networking is a genuine act of generosity built upon "What can I offer you?" ~Alaina G. Levine*

The best networking is an act of generosity. We don't need to have lots of possessions or money to be generous. To be truly generous requires a spirit of abundance. A belief that we are not in competition for goodness and kindness and compassion. Wanting the best for others, showing love and care, sharing freely our thoughts and talents does not mean there is less for us. In fact, quite the opposite is true. 

Perhaps one of the bright lights from this pandemic will be the realization that we are better together, helping one another get through the day in whatever small but significant ways possible. 

It takes courage to be generous. Generosity is an act of trust. Trust that God will provide. Trust that you will have enough and that you are enough. 

Consider networking with generosity in mind. While receiving is wonderful, giving generously is life-changing. 

Ask yourself today, what do I have to offer?  Then trust that there will be enough.

"That's a truth as old as time. Because, like all the best things in life, the more you give, the more you have. That's true of trust and friendship, and it's true of peace." ~Rutger Bregman, Humankind 

* "How to network during challenging times" Science Magazine, Sept. 8, 2020

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