Thursday, March 28, 2013

To Lead, To Serve

Our blessing cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ.

Today is about service and servant leadership. It's about a willingness to care for those around you. It's
about being humble enough to take the lowliest of positions in a group or organization, even (and especially) when you are in charge. It's about not calculating every cost in return for your reward. It's about leading by example. It's about living your vocation in all facets of your life.

What message are you sending others about your beliefs? How do people know you? What do they say of you when you are not around?

The answers to these questions can be eye-opening. They speak volumes about the way you live your life. Remember in the midst of reaching your goals, paying your bills, making a name for yourself, you are also making a life. This is the only chance you have to live it.

Every precious moment is an opportunity. What will you make of yours today?

It is difficult for us to comprehend that we are liberated by someone who became powerless, that we are being strengthened by someone who became weak, that we find new hope in someone who divested himself of all distinctions, and that we find a leader in someone who became a servant. It is beyond our intellectual and emotional grasp. We expect freedom from someone who is not as imprisoned as we are, health from someone who is not as sick as we are, and new directions from someone who is not as lost and confused as we are.  
... But it is not said of Jesus that he reached down from on high to pull us up from slavery, but that he became a slave with us. God's compassion is a compassion that reveals itself in servanthood. Jesus became subject to the same powers and influences that dominate us, and suffered our fears, uncertainties, and anxieties with us. Jesus emptied himself. He gave up a privileged position, a position of majesty and power, and assumed fully and without reservation a condition of total dependency. Paul's hymn of Christ does not ask us to look upward, away from our condition, but to look in our midst and discover God there.
~ by Henri Nouwen from Compassion

Our blessing cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ.

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