Friday, December 20, 2013

Only 5 Left!!

As we approach the last weekend before Christmas, what a better time to gather as a family for a great holiday movie. What movies have special meaning to your family? I remember as a kid enjoying "Holiday Inn" on Christmas Eve, and who doesn't tear up during the final scene of "It's a Wonderful Life"?

Another of my personal favorites is "White Christmas." While most people know the movie for it's namesake song, the following song from the movie has always been my personal favorite. It reminds me to put aside the things of this world that cause me to worry and instead to count my blessings and thank God for the many wonderful people who make life such a gift.

Enjoy this treat! Take some time with family this weekend to make a list of "must-see" holiday movies. Then pop some popcorn, light the fire, and snuggle in together to enjoy!

The song "White Christmas" is the best selling Christmas song of all time. It is considered simple by musical standards, just 54 words and 67 notes. But did you know it was not originally written for the movie that bears it's name? Instead it was composed to be part of a musical revue about the holidays that eventually became the movie "Holiday Inn." The song was first sung by Bing Crosby on a radio show sponsored by the Kraft Company. The program aired on Christmas Day, 1941 just eighteen days after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

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