Wednesday, December 4, 2013

21 . . .Sniff . . .Sniff

For today's treat, we suggest you close your eyes and indulge in some of the smells of Christmas. You may chuckle at the silliness of this idea, but smell is a powerful piece of the seasonal puzzle. The sense of smell is strongly linked to memory. A sudden whiff of a particular scent can transport you to another time and place. Never is this more evident than with the many smells we associate with Christmastime.

Interestingly enough, our response to fragrances is deeply personal. The experiences we have in life greatly impact our reactions to particular smells. In effect, our favorite smells choose us, we don't choose them.

Here is a list of ten scents popularly associated with the season. How many whisk you back to footie jammies and visions of reindeer on the roof?

10. Eggnog

9. Oranges

8. Cloves

7. Wood-burning fire

6. Mulled Wine

5. Sugar Cookies

4. Peppermint

3. Pine

2. Gingerbread

1. And researchers have actually done studies to determine the most "Christmas-y" smell is . . . cinnamon!

So light a scented candle, bake some holiday cookies, or take a walk through a Christmas tree lot. Enjoy not only the smells, but the wonderful memories they bring along. And remember, the smells around you now will serve as guides back to the beautiful memories you make with your family today.

Bonus content :)

For those science-y amongst you, researchers continue to investigate whether the spices commonly used in making gingerbread (namely cloves, nutmeg, anise, cinnamon, and mace), when combined and baked emit properties similar to amphetamines. In other words, that dose of Christmas cheer you feel after enjoying a gingerbread cookie may be as much pharmaceutical as nostalgic. For the whole story, enjoy the following 2005 abstract from the Prague Medical Report. (There's also some pretty cool historical stuff in there too!)

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