Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Writers Write

To the upright I will show the saving power of God.

Writers write. This is the advice given to everyone who has ever dreamed of penning the great American novel. It won't write itself. If you want to achieve great things, you will need to put in the work.

When you think about it, this advice is pretty solid in most aspects of life. Dreaming is only the beginning. That spark of an idea or desire for a craft will only come to fulfillment with training, practice, and good old-fashioned sweat equity.

Now consider how this might apply to your faith. Being a spiritual person takes practice. Think about how you might grow by adding more prayer, spiritual reading, or meditation to your daily life. How would your outlook be different if you made more time to practice acts of charity and love?

It's easy to sit back and say you're not a very religious person. Perhaps you even feel that God isn't a big part of your life. Maybe you are hurt by your current situation and feel God has abandoned you. How might all that change if you actively worked on your faith? Maybe what is needed is a little time and effort on your part?

Take a step back and assess the work you are putting in to your spiritual life. Then decide if it's enough to achieve great things.

Writers write. The prayerful pray. The faithful practice their faith.

To the upright I will show the saving power of God.

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