Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thoughts on an Almost Summer Day

For today's blog, I'm borrowing thoughts from one of the most inspirational people I've met, Becca Stevens, Episcopal priest at St. Augustine's Chapel in Nashville.

"All woods in my life, all the woods in your life, teach us the truth about resurrections. They teach us that someday love will right all the wrongs of this earth. It will set the captives free, heal our blindness, make the trees clap their hands in joy and cause people to weep at the beauty of a field of lilies. Someday the lion will lie down with the lamb. Love, more powerful and older than stone, will roll away.
The Ecuadorian woods sang, 'Before there were stones, there was God. Before there was death, there was life. Before there was doubt, there was faith. Before there was war, there was peace. Before there was sin, there was grace.'


The sun begins the procession in a deep orange chasuble
as the frogs and crickets begin the opening hymn.
The thistle genuflects reverently as the leaves
rustle to find their place.

The spring-fed lake reflects on the world,
and it is ready to accept the born-again dragonflies
that have heard the call.

The harmonies of the cardinals, sparrows,
and occasional crow offer the praise,
as creation begins its communion with the moon.

And just as the sun dips beneath the shroud of trees
that covers its
and turns the day to memory,
a barred owl calls out the benediction.

Let creation which passes all understanding,
keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and
love of God.

Let the dirt you are made from join in the last
and let the water that flows through your veins
give thanks.

[Source: Sanctuary: Unexpected Places Where God Found Me by Becca Stevens. Dimensions for Living, Nashville. © 2005.]

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