Saturday, December 31, 2011

To The New Year

Happy New Year! New year, new beginnings . . . familiar story, right? What is it about the turning of this particular calendar page that sparks in each of us such a strong desire to change, to renew? Maybe we as humans are only equipped with 365 days worth of cache before our systems require us to reboot and clean the slate. Or maybe there is just something particularly attractive in that continual "second chance" we give ourselves after slugging through the day-to-day for four seasons. Regardless the motivation, I definitely feel the need for a new start this January 1.

It's been a particularly hard year. Some years are like that. While I write often about the presence of God in our lives, it's funny how much of last year I spent questioning his whereabouts. I don't doubt he was there, is here . . . I've only come to see that he isn't always where I've expected him to be. Truth be told, that's been one of the most painful lessons I've ever learned.

While I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions, I feel compelled to make one this year. (Sort of for my own survival.) My resolution is to keep looking for God and to be more aware of the ways in which he is trying to find me. I promise not to be lazy about this. I know so much better now that much of what professes to be of God is not. Many things in today's world seem grim. Lot's of people are suffering in their own way. I can give you lists of bad things, horrible things, but yet sprinkled among those there is still beauty, and peace, and love, and hope. I'm betting on it. I'm banking my heart on it.

I'll share with you here what I find. Join me if you like. Help me along the way. I'm pretty sure it'll be easier with friends. So here's to 2012! Brighter days ahead.

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