Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Prayer is Personal

Are you a cardio person? Maybe you prefer resistance training? How about taking long walks? Swimming? Hiking? Enjoying the outdoors? 

Exercise is personal. 

We each have different preferences and they change throughout our lives. Sometimes we choose no exercise at all.

Exercise can be flexible.

Have you ever considered the same might be true about prayer? 

One size doesn't fit all, especially at all points in life. Taking time to consider where you are with your prayer life (or where you're not) can be powerful. Trying new and different forms of prayer can also be interesting, maybe even life-changing. 

Lectio Divina has many different forms. The following version draws a bit more on your imagination. 

Select a small section of Scripture or sacred text. Begin with an opening prayer. It might be as simple as saying, "God, please open my heart to your words."

  • LITERAL  On the first reading, consider the literal meaning of the text. What's happening? Who's mentioned? Who is being spoken to and who is speaking? Where is this taking place? Basically, what's going on here?
  • ALLEGORICAL On the second reading, think about the symbols and metaphors hidden in the text. What is the meaning behind the story? How does this passage relate to or shed light on the mystery of Christ?
  • MORAL  On the final reading, reflect how this text speaks to your life today? What action will you take now after having read and experienced the text?
  • CONTEMPLATION Spend some time in quiet, resting with the words and your experience of the prayer. 

New experiences are not always comfortable. Consider trying these forms, even if you are not drawn to them by explanation alone. 

Remember, prayer is personal.

Prayer can be flexible.

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