Monday, February 22, 2021

Holy Science

God said: "This is the sign that I am giving for all ages to come, of the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you: I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth, and the bow appears in the clouds, I will recall the covenant I have made between me and you and all living beings..."                                            Genesis 9:12–15

A rainbow isn't really a "thing" and it doesn't exist in a particular "place." It is an optical phenomenon that appears when sunlight and atmospheric conditions are just right--and the viewer's position is just right to see it.     What Causes Rainbows?

I find the connection between these two excerpts amazing. Faith and science in a kind of beautiful union. How, you might ask? When I read the Scripture verse, my first reaction was, yes--I am definitely feeling the weight of those clouds, Lord. Where are all the rainbows? 

The second quote set me back initially. I was somewhat offended by the harshness of the first line. Rainbows aren't a "thing?" Yikes. Then I sat with it for a bit and a sweet mixing of the two passages began to brew.

In Genesis, God speaks of a covenant. While some think of this as "God's promise," a covenant is actually an agreement. What does an agreement require? Two or more parties... The covenant between God and me and every living creature means I have some responsibility. In other words, I probably shouldn't be waiting around, complaining about clouds, and passively wishing for a rainbow. 

Enter science. A rainbow isn't a "thing" and it doesn't exist in a particular "place." Translation: I can't order one and I can't tell you where one is going to show up. It isn't something physical that I can own or keep. 

A rainbow appears when conditions are just right--and the viewer's position is just right to see it. 

Things are hard right now. Many people are suffering. But that doesn't mean God has abandoned us. 

I believe God is setting rainbows in the clouds. My part of the covenant is to position myself to see them. 

Rainbows don't exist in a particular "place"... they exist in all places. Take a moment today to find a rainbow in your world. Then savor it.

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